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上海华运船务有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:上海市 上海
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
公司概况上海华运船务有限公司是经中华人民共和国交通部批准、一级国际货运代理资质的综合物流企业。公司在中国市场已建立完善的网络,并开辟了多方位的业务通道,与其全球代理商通力合作,致力于发展国际国内海空货物运输代理事业。公司服务门类齐全,涵盖国际海运、空运、陆运、多式联运、集装箱集运、中转等众多业务,可为客户提供订舱、报关、报检报验、仓储、取单、提箱、配送和物流咨询为一体的“一站式”服务。公司确立了“以人为本,以诚取信、服务高效”的服务理念,谋求发展。年轻的公司团队富有朝气。经过多年来的操作实践,不仅积累了大量的现代物流管理经验,而且已培养出一批精通业务、爱岗敬业的物流经营、管理人才,公司员工以“求实创新,追求卓越”的企业精神和“认真务实,精益求精”的工作作风,在物流领域的各环节努力奋进。公司员工均经过航运物流专业的高等院校进修和深造。公司与口岸各单位保持紧密的协作关系,有着良好的商业信誉、广泛的经营网络、成熟的管理经验、完善的优质服务,熟悉海关、商检的政策法规,为连接货主与港口、船代和船东等相关单位的友谊架起桥梁和纽带。公司与日本、香港、韩国、东南亚、欧美等地的客户保持着长期稳定的合作关系,代理网络覆盖面广,费用合理,服务周到。公司已与全球多家海运公司签订了直接订舱协议和近/远洋运输协议,无论在业务操作,还是运价方面,都具有很强的竞争力。Company ProfileChina transport Shipping (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a logistics company with and Class A forwarding company license. The company has setup a complete national work in China. With the co-operation of her global overseas agents, the company can focus on national and international comprehensive logistics service to all customers.China transport can provide complete logistics service, including global sea and air transportation, inland transportation, intermodal and transshipment service. The company can provide one stop service to her customers, including booking, Customs clearance, warehousing, distribution, door pickup and delivery etc.China transport has setup the concept of People, Good Faith and Quality Service. The company has accumulated lots modern logistics management skills, has brought up experienced operation and management staff. Most staff in the company have either graduated university of logistics major or have received logistics training.China transport has very good relationship with different local port authorities, familiar with local Customs and other government regulations, can act as the bridge between shippers/consignees and port authority/carriers. The company has her own global agency work, has long-term co-operation with customers in US, Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, South East Asia and even in South America and West Africa. The company has signed direct booking agency agreement and service contract with major carriers, so that she can provide service and price to her customers.


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