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上海法士达游艇制造有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:上海市 上海市松江出口加工区西泖泾路175号12号厂房
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
Fivestar Marine was established with the joint investment of I.M.Skaugen and the UMOE Group in late 2004. FiveStar Marine’s 3500 M2 Manufacturing facility is located within the Songjiang Export Processing Zone near Shanghai.With the rapid growth in business, the company decided to increase the manufacturing site by renting off another 1700M2 manufacturing facility at the surrounding area of the first factory.The goals of FiveStar Marine are:To design and produce quality motor yacht lines in China for the export markets. To develop a significant, global pleasure marine brand capitalizing on its name and quality of its product lines. To be a Company that can build pleasure boats at competitive costs and thus be competitive in the export markets. To be a Company that can capitalize on the Chinese domestic markets when these become more mature.法士达游艇制造有限公司为挪威两大著名集团公司I.M.Skaugen及UMOE集团的合资公司,成立于2004年年底。上海法士达游艇制造有限公司的3500平方米生产基地位于上海松江出口加工区。随着公司生产业务的不断扩展,公司在2006年2月在原有厂房的相邻周边又租赁下1700平方米生产基地法士达的目标是:在中国设计及生产高质量的动力游艇来满足出口市场 依靠卓越的产品质量来建立一个成功的,具有良好声誉的国际品牌。 能够以富有竞争力的低成本来建造高端游艇并以此赢得出口市场。 逐步在今后的中国游艇市场占据龙头地位。


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