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曼恩机械有限公司 招聘 行政前台Admin Receptionist (Outsourcing Contract)

船舶人才网 发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:06:47 文章来源:中国船舶人才网

曼集团(全球财富500强公司)。创建于1758年,总部设于德国,是欧洲工业领域的领导者,也是全球悠久的跨国公司之一。经营领域涉及商用车辆、柴油机、透平机和特殊工业轴承,为客户提供创新性的解决方案。公司业务遍布全球120多个国家,在世界各地拥有52500名员工,2011财年的销售额达165亿欧元。 曼恩机械有限公司(以下简称曼恩机械)是德国曼集团于2007年在武进高新区成立的全资子公司,是曼集团在中国地区的生产基地。曼恩机械研发并生产大型透平机械、机械部件及系统,涡轮增压器、流体轴承、系统自动化配套等产品。总投资4500万欧元,厂房面积2.6万平米,年销售收入2亿元。 公司的愿景:通过杰出的员工,客户的需求为导向,领先的技术和服务,使公司成为商业汽车和动力工程领域的。 如欲了解更多信息,请访问公司网站 www.mandieselturbo.cn 曼柴油机与透平公司 曼柴油机与透平是曼集团旗下动力工程领域的子公司,是的船用及电站用大缸径柴油发动机和透平机械制造商,总部位于德国奥格斯堡。公司开发和生产二冲程和四冲程发动机,并授权许可厂商生产。其发动机的输出功率从450千瓦高至87兆瓦。曼柴油机与透平开发和制造高达50兆瓦的燃气轮机、150兆瓦的蒸汽轮机以及流量达150万立方米/小时、压力达1000巴的压缩机。其他产品还包括涡轮增压器,可调螺距螺旋桨,燃气发动机和化学反应器。曼柴油机与透平产品涵盖全系列船舶推进系统,石油和天然气领域、流程工业应用的透平机械以及发电厂总包。公司为全球客户提供命名为MAN PrimeServ品牌的全方位售后服务。全球员工约12,500名,主要分布在德国、丹麦、法国、瑞士、捷克、意大利、印度、中国等100多个国家和地区。 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, based in Augsburg, Germany, is the world’s leading provider of large-bore diesel engines and turbomachinery for marine and stationary applications. It designs two- and four-stroke diesel engines, gas and steam turbines as well as compressors and offers turnkey power plant solutions. The product range is completed by turbogers, CP propellers, gas engines and engines for locomotives and chemical reactors. Customers receive worldwide after-sales services under the MAN PrimeServ brand. The company employs around 12,500 staff at more than 100 international sites. MAN Diesel & Turbo is a company of the Power Engineering business area of MAN SE, which is listed4>职位描述: 本职位为服务外包岗位 Tt will sign outsouring contract. 1.Tasks:(The area of responsibility includes in particular the following tasks:) 1) Hotel and tickets booking, transportation arrangement for company guests and staff; 2) Reception arrangement for guests; 3) Office supply purchasing and distribution; 4) Assistant to manage canteen, garden, cleaning and transportation; 5) Assistant to organize company activities; 6) Follow other assignments leader and deal with emergency; 7) Company documents and files management; 2.Competences: 1). Background: ?College or above; 2). Knowledge/Experience: ?More than half of year of relevant experience; ?acter: careful, elegant, polite; ?Required knowledge: a bit Europe culture, polite behavior; ?Master the word, Excel, PPT and other office software operation fully; ?Strong responsibility , team work spirit, good at communicating, strong work coordination; 3).Languages: Good communication skill verbal and written in English.

