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敦豪全球货运(中国)有限公司青岛分公司 招聘 货代操作 International Supply Chain

船舶人才网 发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:06:48 文章来源:中国船舶人才网

敦豪全球货运物流 (DHL Global Forwarding) 即德国邮政敦豪集团(DPDHL)旗下致力于物流货运的业务板块,在国内主要从事国际及国内空运、海运、行业项目/包机,物流管理服务以及国际供应链管理等业务。现有员工约2360人,全国40个城市设有分公司, 是国内空海运行业翘楚。 公司目前正在实施“战略”,拟通过提高服务质量和创造令人愉悦的工作氛围成为客户及员工,使其不仅是行业,而且是优秀的公司。 应聘该职位 其它职位 更多招聘信息 岗位类别:货代 工作地区:青岛市 行业:年龄要求:18-45岁学历:大专招聘人数:2名工作经验:不限职位描述: Job Deion 1 Skills/Knowledge 2 Basic knowledge on supply chain logistics industries 3 Microsoft Office Skills 4 Fluent English in writing Competences Competency segment ‘Business’ Analysis: Breaks down a problem, situation or process into its component parts, separates the main issues side-issues, understands the nature of parts and their relationship to one another. Seeks out and critically evaluates both numerical and narrative information. Draws accurate conclusions. Planning & Organizing: Sets clear and realistic goals and objectives. Establishes a course of action and a sequence of steps to ensure that activities and objectives are efficiently achieved. Is structured with good personal organization. Schedules time effectively and uses efficient work methods and tools. Decision Making: Makes timely and appropriate choices based on accurate analysis and experience. Uses sound judgment even in conditions of uncertainty. Anticipates impact of decisions and plans how to manage risk. Results Orientation: Continually seeks to accomplish critical tasks with measurable results. Overcomes obstacles and makes adjustments to achieve results. Focuses self and others to achieve targets aligned with business goals. Competency segment ‘Leadership’ Teamwork: Works cooperatively with others to achieve target and objectives. Accomplishes own tasks in support of team goals and actively offers to help colleagues. Supports group decisions. Competency segment ‘Personal’ Accountability: Acts responsibly. Can be counted on to keep commitments. Complies with the intent of policies, procedures and agreements. Builds others trust in own professionalism, integrity, expertise and ability to get results. Communication: Provides both verbal and written information in a timely, clear and concise manner. Expresses ideas effectively, adjusting style, tools and mode to the needs of others. Listens attentively, and summarizes or asks questions, when needed, to clarify information. Self Management: Remains calm, objective and controlled in responding to urgent or demanding situations. Maintains effective performance under pressure. Stays positive. International Supply Chain(ISC)的核心服务是订单管理(Purchase Order Management),典型业务形式是Consolidation. ISC服务的客户都是跨国采购业务的践行者,以订单为信息化处理的基本单位,ISC就是提供以订单为追踪单位的(不是以集装箱或立方数)全套物流服务。 所谓Consolidation,可以理解成distribution的反向服务,Distribution是把集中的货物分派的各个目的地,而Consolidation是把分散的货物集中到一起出运,形式上与市场上的拼箱业务相近,但市场上的拼箱业务是多对多(多个发货人多个收货人),而我们的服务是多对一(多个发货人一个收货人) 另外,为满足客户订单管理的需要,我们有一套非常出色的跟踪系统- Log, 通过Log,客户可以很清晰的了解到货物所处的状态 -订舱/入货/装箱……. 招聘要求: - 抗压性强,更够承受较强的工作压力 - 良好的沟通,合作意识 - 较好的英文阅读能力 - 良好的计算机使用能力 - 一年及以上货代行业经验 联系方式 公司名称:敦豪全球货运(中国)有限公司青岛分公司 公司地址:青岛市市南区香港中路40号数码港旗舰大厦17楼 简历请发至:Frank.Yang@dhl.com 请根据职位描述和要求,结合自己的实际情况投递简历,勿重复投递,谢谢!

