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安融能源技术(上海)有限公司 招聘 Service Engineer 服务工程师

船舶人才网 发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:06:49 文章来源:中国船舶人才网

安融公司是一个航海和工业供暖、通风和空调-(HVAC)系统的总承包商。我们是全球航运业成套暖通空调系统的领先供应商,总部设在挪威沿海城市的弗莱克福德。   安融公司航海暖通空调系统的设计,能够确保船舶上的人员、货物、机械和仪器设备享有优气候。我们希望能够在船舶建造的过程中与您合作,并对我们系统提供终身服务。   安融公司拥有暖通空调业务方面30多年的经验,我们开发了一系列专门为船上环境而设计的高品质产品。多年的经验使我们成为拥有良好口碑的可靠公司。   安融公司通过提供针对现代化船舶定制的产品和服务,使得造船更加具有吸引力。我们提供完整的供热、通风和空调系统包,包括:   先期研究/分析   设计和工程   设备交付   安装/监理   调试/试运行   培训操作者   售后服务   如果您想了解安融更多,敬请登录我司网站www.aeron.no 应聘该职位 其它职位 更多招聘信息 岗位类别:机电设备调试 技术服务(电气设备) 技术服务(船舶机械)工作地区:上海市 行业:船舶与海洋工程、游艇、航运海运类年龄要求:18-45岁学历:大专招聘人数:不限工作经验:1年以上Direct reports to Technical manager of local company. Responsibility overall Manage the overall service matters of local offices and company. Quality control of the local suppliers Assist MD to achieve the headquarters’ technical related objectives. Fulfill the local objectives set-up by local MD. Detailed responsibility Manage the daily technical/service routine work. Manage the local company (WOFE) setting-up technical related matters, both internally and externally. Set up the technical/product/production profile of the local office and WOFE. Coordinate the relations among technical dept. and other company/teams. Fulfill the Aeron product range, control products quality of local suppliers, Consulting parties in the company All levels of technical persons, both in the headquarters and in the parent company, as well as in the local company. Technical/Engineering and Service teams in the headquarters. Sales team/agent. Logistics and other persons in the local company. Qualification Good communication skill. Knowledge of HVAC theory or equivalent mechanical theories. Hardworking spirit. Strong in on-site working, and looking for solutions independently in difficult situation. Fluent in English speaking and writing. Proficient in using computer software, MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, or the equivalent of all the above, and Adobe Reader. Good driving record. Job location Shanghai, frequent travel.

