香港太元船務有限公司 招聘 Marine/ Mechanical Engineer/Manager
发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:06:49
太元集团 源于四十年代由已故梁文广先生创立;初期业务擅长于打捞,港湾工程及造船。自六十年代,太元开始扩展其业务。至海上及陆上工程 于八十年代后期,在行政总裁 梁悦通先生 领导下 太元之管理及架构上 进行了重大的策略性改组,提升旗下业务更全面且灵活发展。
在应付急促增长的市场需求,太元遂于一九九一年以"太元集团有限公司"在香港联合交易所上市。并继续在土木及承建市场 建立重要地位,尤以疏浚及填海工程 被誉为业界翘楚。
借着本身位于全球经济增长迅速地区之中心的战略优势,加上多元化工程经验,太元必能继续在区内创造美好隹绩。应聘该职位 其它职位 更多招聘信息 岗位类别:造修船及海洋平台类 工作地区:香港 行业:船舶与海洋工程、游艇、航运海运类年龄要求:18-45岁学历:本科招聘人数:不限工作经验:3年以上Job Requirements:
Degree or Diploma in Marine/ Mechanical field or related discipline
Member of the professional institutes is preferable but not a must
At least 3 years working experience in similar role
IMMEDIATE available is an advantage
the basic design requirements
For the following Streams :
1.Hydraulic Discipline
Responsibility : Schematic layout routing & execution
Experience in hydraulic service company / repair contractor
2.Ship Hull & Steel Work Discipline
Responsibility : Quality assurance of welding and shipyard monitoring.
Experience in steelwork repair shipyard/ heavy industry / classfiication society / as owner representative for acceptance survey
3.Marine Engine & Electrical Discipline
Responsibility : Marine engine installation, modification, repair
Experience in shipyards mechanical division / diesel engine contractor
4.Naval Architect
Responsibility : Design, new ship building and ship modification
Experience in ship design firm / classification society