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美国邦纳工程国际有限公司 招聘 人事行政助理-HR&Admin Assistant(recruit&Admin)

船舶人才网 发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:13:53 文章来源:中国船舶人才网

美国邦纳公司总部位于美国的明尼苏达州是全球的自动化技术专家,整体解决方案提供者。致力于为客户提供以传感为核心的综合自动化解决方案。公司拥有22,000多种产品,具有为齐全的产品线,包括:工业控制器(PLC&HMI)、光电传感器、测量与检测传感器、工业无线网络产品、机器视觉、工业安全产品、工业智能指示灯、旋转编码器、及条码阅读器等自动化产品,能满足各种不同的检测需求。在40多年的发展过程中,邦纳公司始终将创新作为产品应用与研发的源动力。无论是工厂自动化还是过程自动化,邦纳公司都能提供领先、可靠的控制和检测解决方案。 随着中国工业飞速的发展,对工业技术的要求也越来越高。邦纳通过代理商在1994年进入中国市场,给各大生产型企业注入了新的生产理念和技术。自2002年4月以来,邦纳公司极富战略性地先后在上海、北京、广州、香港、天津、青岛、苏州、南京、成都等近三十个城市设立代表处及联络机构。为中国市场的客户提供先进的传感、检测、自动化解决方案,以及周到、快捷的贴身服务。 2003年11月,邦纳公司在苏州工业园区成立了中国区的生产和物流基地,以满足中国市场快速增长的产品需求,并努力为中国市场和客户提供更好的服务。 依托邦纳全球强大的研发平台,和邦纳在机械制造、物流、印刷包装、食品饮料、汽车、交通、制药等多领域的丰富行业经验,邦纳公司正不断地为更多的中国用户提供不同层面的整体应用解决方案。 2012年,邦纳在众多同行中脱颖而出,被评选为工控行业雇主。 Banner Electronics (Suzhou) Co. Ltd headquarters in Minnesota USA, is the worlds leading automation technology experts, the integrated solution provider. With more than 22,000 different products, Banner has the industrys most complete and integrated line of photoelectric and ultrasonic sensors, machine safety products, measurement/inspection products, wireless sensors, indicator lights, and rotary encoder ?a solution for every possible application. Banner will also provide solution in controller, touch screen, bar code readers, field instruments, power supplies and many other products. With the rapid progress of its industry, China requires more and more advanced technology than ever before. Banner started its business in China4>职位描述: Responsibilities: 1. Recruiting, including: ? Screening resumes, necessary first telephone interview, interview arrangement and follow; ? Be responsible for employee on-board issue, including preparing New Colleague On-board preparation mail, making on-board procedures and so on. ? Be responsible for establish resume database and make recruiting Stat., report to HR & A Manager on time. ? Assist HR & A Manager to maintain and enlarge recruiting channels. 2. Employee Relation, including: ? Strengthen internal communication, feedback to HR & A Manager timely and provide suggestion. ? Assist HR & A Manager to organize group activity, such as annual meeting, touring and so on. ? Provide and manage magazine US headquarter. ? Buy birthday gifts for colleagues 3. Work attendance and performance management, including: ? Query, check and manage vacation of all staff. ? Record work attendance of East China; cooperate with Sales & A assistant to collect and check work attendance & leave records for all offices; submit the report to HR & A Manager timely. ? Assist HR&A Manager to handle termination procedure 4. Backup of Receptionist and to do some admin work if necessary. Other works assigned by HR & Admin Supervisor. Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, majored in Human Resource Management or related subject. 2. At lease one year work or internship experience on HR or admin. 3. CET4 or above, excellent command of English language, written and oral skills. 4. Good Computer literacy, MS Office skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). 5. Good communication and organizing skills, implement-oriented with great patience and carefulness 6. Strong sense of responsibility and teamwork. 工作职责: 1. 招聘工作,包括: - 负责简历筛选、初步面试、面试安排和面试进程/结果跟踪; - 负责员工报到事宜,包括发放“新员工报到准备资料邮件”,办理员工报到手续等; - 负责招聘结果统计,建立公司简历库,按时向人力资源及行政经理汇总报告; - 协助人力资源及行政经理维护和拓展招聘渠道。 2. 员工关系管理,包括: - 加强员工内部的沟通和交流,向人力资源及行政经理及时反馈并提供建议; - 协助人力资源及行政经理组织公司团体活动,例如年会、旅游等; - 负责美国总部期刊杂志的发放和管理; - 负责员工生日礼物的购买等。 3. 考勤管理,包括: - 负责各地假期查询、核对和管理; - 负责华东区的考勤记录,与各地销售及行政助理协作,回收、统计和核对全国各地办公室的考勤与请假情况,向人力资源及行政经理定时汇报; - 协助人力资源经理办理员工离职手续等。 4. 前台工作的后备人员,按部门经理要求承担部分行政工作。 其他人力资源及行政经理要求的工作。 Requirements: 1. 本科以上学历,人力资源管理或相关专业毕业; 2. 至少1年以上人力资源及行政管理相关工作经验; 3. CET4以上,英语听、说、读、写流利; 4. 熟练使用办公自动化软件,包括Word,Excel,Powerpoint等; 5. 良好的沟通能力、组织能力和执行能力,工作仔细,有耐心; 6. 强烈的工作责任心和团队合作意识。

