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必维船级社(中国)有限公司 招聘 审图中心工程师〔 稳性 )

船舶人才网 发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:07:03 文章来源:中国船舶人才网

bureau veritas first presence in china was with its marine business in 1901. in 1993, bureau veritas set up a new office in shanghai. now it has around 30 offices in china supporting over 3,000 clients, with more than 5,000 employees working in the greater china region. in china, bureau veritas business operations are under 4 divisions: marine, industry & facilities, consumer product services, a n d government services & international trade. the marine division provides expertise services in ship classification a n d related services such as certification, training a n d consultancy. the services cover the entire ship’s life cycle, fro m design stage through to the surveys of vessels in operation, a n d their decommissioning. by partnering with our clients, we bring value to ship-owners, shipbuilders, shipyards, equipment manufacturers, insurers, brokers a n d flag states. the industry & facilities division serves more than 2,000 clients with a large scope of services such as certification, inspection, construction project management, a n d technical consulting.for example we inspected the turbines a n d generators for the three gorges dam project, we certify off-shore a n d 4>职位要求:-本科和/或硕士学历,海军建筑和/或海洋工程或相关专业-5年以上工作经验,特别是作为设计师在船厂或设计公司-予以优先考虑的候选人有经验的船舶设计稳定,干舷和吨位计算;人员从设计院也将予以考虑良好的英文口语和书面语言,是需要-良好的团队精神,能够承受工作压力-负责、勤勉

