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诺思罗普格鲁曼斯伯利航海贸易(上海)有限公司 招聘 Marine Electronic Service Engineer

船舶人才网 发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:07:05 文章来源:中国船舶人才网

九十多年来,斯伯利航海公司一直是全球航海电子产品的知名品牌之一,诺思罗普格鲁曼集团公司旗下的斯伯利航海公司(前身是利顿航海公司)主要提供船舶导航和控制设备,其产品由三个品牌 – Sperry,Decca 和 C.Plath 的产品构成,针对商用船舶和军用市场. 这三个长期使用的知名品牌Sperry,Decca 和 C.Plath,在航海电子工业领域中都具有丰富的经验,而且是航海领域的先驱者。Sperry成立于1911年,美国发明家和企业家Elmer Sperry先生发明了世界上个摆式罗经,并创立了Sperry公司,经过几十年的发展,Sperry公司已成为航海电子系统的一个资深供应商。Decca公司创立于次世界大战期间,创建初期主要生产留声机和记录器,在二战期间,公司转型生产航海仪器产品,开发了Decca导航系统,二战结束后,公司研制出了台海事用的雷达而成为全球著名的船用雷达生产厂家,现有知名的Bridgemaster系列的雷达设备。C.Plath是有David Filby先生于1837年在德国创建的,生产六分仪,罗罗经和其它仪器产品,工厂现在主要给商船和海军提供罗经,自动舵等产品。 1997年,Sperry, Decca 和C.Plath三家公司被利顿工业收购,而她们的管理和组织机构不变,三年后,诺思罗普格鲁曼集团收购了利顿工业,并重新更名为斯伯利航海公司,其总部设在美国的查而斯威尔(lottesville),英国的新麦尔顿(New Malden)和德国的汉堡为公司主要生产和商务中心,负责工程,研发,市场营销和售后服务支持。目前公司分别在19个国家设有分支机构. Northrop Grumman Corporation is a global defense company headquartered in Los Angeles, Calif. Northrop Grumman provides a broad array of technologically advanced, innovative products, services and solutions in systems integration, defense electronics, information technology, advanced aircraft, shipbuilding, and space technology. The company has more than 125,000 employees and operates in all 50 states and 25 countries and serves U.S. and international military, government and commercial customers with 7 different business sectors. Sperry Marine, as4>POSITION: Marine Electronic Service Engineer LOCATION: Sheung Wan, HKG DEPT:PRODUCT SUPPORT SCOPE:Under limited supervision this position is responsible to test, repair, and install a group of marine electronics products. The incumbent applies knowledge of electronics and circuitry to complete a variety of technical tasks. Complex schematics and/or blueprints are utilized to achieve objective for assigned tasks. This position consists of installation of NG Sperry Maine products, analyzing system malfunctions and making repairs under tight shipboard schedules working independently at times. The incumbent must be capable of arriving at decisions alone. Poor performance results in warranty service costs and poor customer relationships. Under limited supervision this position is responsible to test, repair, and install a group of marine products. The incumbent applies knowledge of electronics and circuitry to complete a variety of technical tasks. Complex schematics and/or blueprints are utilized to achieve objective for assigned tasks. ACCOUNTABILITY: Installs, troubleshoots, repairs, and tests marine products as set forth below, normally aboard customers’ vessels but including land-based and shop work. Oversees and supervises the shipboard installation of all Sperry Marine products. Stays with installed product during sea trial and makes adjustments to ensure proper working order. Performs training aboard ship to satisfy customer operational requirements. Provides and assists in the training of less experienced employees. Established and maintains customer relationships through routine visitations and contacts at customers’ offices and vessels. At all times, promotes the companies products and services through the customer relationships, professional behavior and appearance. Performs administrative functions including job paperwork, time sheets, expenses records, and computer entries of such records. Prior to jobs aboard vessels, studies previous service records and secures sufficient information, tools and spare parts to ensure a high success rate. After jobs aboard vessels, provides adequate follow up to ensure customer satisfaction or that follow up service is arranged with adequate information. Works with supervisor and job dispatcher for this function. Prepares service reports on product malfunctions and reports of weekly activities. Is cognizant of and adhere to Company’s Safety and Health policies and Field Engineering “Code of Conduct”. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS:Associate Degree or equivalent education, training, and/or experience are required. Requires P/C proficiency and must be able to apply electronic and electro-mechanical theory. Proficient on electronic, communication, and navigation equipment including Gyrocompasses, , Steering Controls, Speed Logs, Radars, Satcoms, GMDSS equipment, Integrated Bridge and Navigation Systems, and other high technology products as introduced by the company. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS:Prefer given to candidates with advance experience on Navigation and GMDSS equipment. PHYSICAL EFFORT:Carries up to 40-50 lbs. to shipboard service. Must be able to take service 5 to 100 miles offshore and board by Jacob’s ladder. WORKING ENVIRONMENT:Shipboard working environment: Occasionally must take helicopter to ships at anchorage. Works on radar mast 50-60 feet above deck or 100 feet below main deck. Works also in shipyards around new construction on ships. Works exposed to weather at times. SAFETY HAZARDS:Exposed to hazards of shipyards, helicopter rides, falls masts and ladders or gangways. Also subject to high-voltage shock, burns, and cuts

