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挪威奥力进口公司中山代表处 招聘 项目主管

船舶人才网 发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:14:08 文章来源:中国船舶人才网

Orient Import AS Zhongshan Representative Office was setup in 2005 by Orient Holdings AS, which is headquartered in Norway. Orient Holdings has established solid business partnership with key market players and has become4>工作地点: 中山 招聘人数: 1 工作年限: 五年以上 语言要求: 英语 良好 学 历: 大专 职位描述 Project Supervisor (1) Responsibility 1. Reporting to Sourcing Manager 2. Be responsible for leading the boat project team and coordinate with QC, logistics, Norway colleagus and customers to ensure the success of the boat projects 3. Organize and maintain the whole process of our boat buidling projects, including but not limited to, sourcing qualified shipyards, request for quote and benchmarking, negotiate and prepare contract, setup and maintian production sechedule, control quality, coordinate inspection, testing and sea trial, delivery and handle payment etc. 4. Establish a good understanding of boat project requirement, drawings and specifications. Responsible for the coordination and clarification of any unclear points between Norwegian engineers and shipyards. 5. Establish accurate and clear communication between shipyard and our Norwegian engineers for the any issues in the project in a timely and well-organized manner. 6. Maintain good relationship with suppliers and resolve all issues happened in the projects. 7. Efficient work allocation for the boat project team and make sure no gaps in communication. 8. Other responsibilities that are assigned to you Requirement 1. College degree or above. 2. 5 years or above project management or related experience. 3. Good English in speaking and writing 4. Good computer skills 5. Good analyzing and problem solving skills and open-minded. 6. Strong sense of responsibility 7. Very structured and organized person, detail-oriented 8. Team worker, active, strong communication skills 9. Eager to learn work-related knowledge

