瓦锡兰维修服务(上海)有限公司 招聘 Sr. Application Engineer Ship Systems
发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:07:22
瓦锡兰集团是全球领先的船舶动力供应商和陆用电站及支持性服务方案的主要提供者,是船厂、船东、船运企业和近海海洋工程项目值得信赖的动力供应商,目前在全球70多个国家拥有140家分支机构和18000多名员工。瓦锡兰中国(W?rtsil? in China)总部位于上海浦东,,并在香港、北京、广州、大连、青岛和江苏、浙江等地设有办事处和合资工厂,员工人数超过2000人。随着中国区业务的快速发展,现诚邀您的加入,携手共创美好未来。
应聘该职位 其它职位 更多招聘信息 岗位类别:船舶与海洋工程设计类 造修船及海洋平台类 设计开发(船舶机械)工作地区:上海市 行业:船舶与海洋工程、游艇、航运海运类年龄要求:18-60岁学历:硕士招聘人数:1名工作经验:1年以上Education:
MSc (Mechanical) in process technology / BSc supplemented by significant experience
Main Responsibilities:
- Provide technical application design related to process technology for vessel propulsion
solutions including drawings, diagrams, calculations and presentation materials as applicable.
Involve internal resources to make this happen.
- Optimising the overall solution based on the available constraints and functionality
- Clarify customer requirements for sales and project departments to enable fast response
times back office functions
- Review, comment and approve the design made by customers and suppliers
- Proactively seek and provide information needed to perform the application design and
support the application technology and local teams
- Identify standardized (partial) solutions for re-use / further development.
- Participate in development projects within Ship Power (e.g Product Guide development,
Installation Planning Instruction templates etc)
- Provide occasional technical system expertise during installation and commissioning
Development Responsibilities:
- Develop block diagrams for combinations of existing products
- Develop integrated systems for specific ship types together with experts that have deep
knowledge of products systems (engines, thrusters etc.) and ship design experts.
- Proactively share your knowledge and experience with the rest of the organisation.
- Suggest and develop the way of working for optimal result and efficiency.